So this is IT....
I leave tonight.
I have so many mixed moment I'm excited then I feel like throwing up, then crying, then really scared, they super excited again! Lol, ladies I know this roller coaster of emotions isn't really anything new right, but its weird attributing it to anything else besides PMS. So maybe its PTS...Pre Travel Syndrome, he he.
My last day of work was May 28th and I figured I could leave packing until the 29th, in the past I was moving so often it was totally conceivable that I could pack and clean within a few hours. It became increasingly apparent that I had accumulated too much stuff! Eventually I got it all packed up. Here is a picture of what I was planning on stuffing into my car:
Let's please remember that I drive a '93 Ford Festiva. So on Sunday May 30 I had a friend (thanks Manny! You Rock! And are really strong!) help me pack up my car and bring my stuff to greyhound. This is what my car Petunia looked like:

I can't help but giggle looking at it!

And here's what the stuff I shipped on greyhound looks like:
Also giggle worthy!
Yes. You counted right. That's seven. And I won't mention that I had previously brought home six suitcases worth of stuff and that my friends Shannon and Adah, thanks again ladies!, generously shoved some of my boxes and stuff into their car over the long weekend. Oops, I just did mention it. Shhhh.
It was a long drive. However leaving Vancouver I became super excited. I am doing something for ME... I have always wanted to go traveling but always found a reason not to. And now I am, and then I get to move home officially (well once I get Petunia registered in AB and get AB health care then its official...). I have been so lonesome for my family and friends in Calgary and am so excited that I have made this happen.
I made a decision, I worked really hard at it and I made it happen. It is an incredible feeling. I feel so proud of myself and can't help but smile when I think about it!
Its been insane busy this past week trying to get organized and of course I am trying to plan for every eventuality. I think I am pretty prepared, I have every med packed that I can think of, but I know there is going to be something that I didn't pack and its a little bit scary for first-born-type-A-personality-me to know that I might not have everything I need. I am sure I am over packing! Please see above for proof of my inability to travel light ;)
I bought a new camera! Its so awesome, it's a Pentax and its one of those waterproof, shockproof, dustproof all around Amy proof ones. Its going to be great to travel with, fingers crossed it doesn't get stolen. Also unfortunately they were all sold out of the loseproof model...he he.
I went and spent Friday night with my Bakers. Here is a couple of pictures of the girls and I with my new camera. please feel free to comment on how beautiful we are and how amazing the pictures are, both due to the photographer (me of course) and the general awesomeness of my camera.
This afternoon my mom has arranged a bon voyage fire pit with close friends and family and I am really excited to see everyone before I leave.
But I am scared too. I don't do new well. Changes, who needs 'em?
There is a thrill is facing the unknown though. My hope is to be able to harness the stress I feel (I may stop breathing every time I really think about what I am about to do, I am admitting to nothing though!) and learn to turn into something positive. I want to be able to learn to roll with the punches, to not have so many rules and plans and enjoy life as it hands itself to me. There are so many lessons I am going to learn on this trip and am so looking forward to sharing them with you all.
Please leave me comments okay? So I know I am not just talking to myself out here. That, talking to myself, is for my travel journal (Thank you Nate!).
I think I most afraid that I am going to change as a person, that I will come back and will not recognize myself. But ultimately I am able to reassure myself that people don't really change, I will still be me. Don't worry, I'll always be a princess and very cute!

Case in point: This is me and my origami wolf, courtesy of Westjet. His name is Killer and he will be accompanying me on my trip, for safety purposes of course. This is a picture of us traveling back from Vancouver. As you can see by the car next door, I'm obviously parked. Killer made sure we didn't take the picture while driving. He's good like that. Also his middle name is Fang, as suggested by my Grandpa.
I'm actually leaving tonight.....
I'm really getting excited now. Im as prepared as I am going to be. I have access to cash to get me out of any situation, what could go wrong?
*knocks repeatedly on wood*
Look forward to sharing pictures and my adventures on here with you all and am looking forward to seeing you in the fall!
Much love,
Amyzing Amy
(I really am aren't I?)
You're going to have such a great time! Can't wait to read all about your travels. And then you're officially back in Calgary? We definitely need to get together. Where all are you going while you're over there? Remember: you are going to a place with some of the world's best (and cheapest!) diving... buddy...
Well yes, you are up up and away with two months worth of adventures and life's experiences. I miss you already. Stay safe and have fun.
Hi Amy!
Good to hear from you. You were reminding me a bit of myself when you said you don't do change. I was listening to a talk show on the way home from work yesterday morning & the speaker said the one constant in life is change. I thought that was profound & very true :) Looking forward to reading about your adventures!!!
AMY you are wonderful and amazing, and it is high time you did this. I remember a time long long ago, when you talked about going somewhere far away, and now the time is right.
You are in my prayers.
Remember this:
God answers prayers; even when you don't believe in Him, He still believes in you
if you are having problems
talk to God,
if you're not having problems thank God.
Thanks gals for your words! I am super excited now that I have actually left. It reminded me a little bit like the night before an exam, I could cram all I wanted but really at this point I am about as ready as I am going to be so it is just time to enjoy the experiences and adventures that come my way! Not that I ever enjoyed an exam though, lets just get that straight ;)
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